Stop Lights and Silver Bells

I started piano lessons the summer I was 8 years old, and I remember that by Christmas that first year, I was able to pick out the song Little Drummer Boy to be able to play something Christmas-y on the piano. I think it was the following year that someone — probably my parents — gave me a book of popular Christmas songs. The first one from that book I learned to play was the song Silver Bells. Continue reading

And they’re off … again

This coming Saturday is December 13th, and that’s Santa Lucia Day in Verona. The big holiday there this time of year is actually not Christmas, but Santa Lucia Day. Santa Lucia brings the kids gifts, just like Santa Claus does in other parts of the world on Christmas Day. They have a big market for the Santa Lucia festival in Verona every year. If you want to see what it looks like, check out the Verona live webcams on this website. The Santa Lucia festival market will be up through Saturday. Continue reading