Unexpected Street Scenes

So I titled today’s post to parallel the title of yesterday’s “unexpected sweep scenes” post. But truly, perhaps a better title would probably be “unexpectedly seen in the street”, since that would more accurately describe the two photos today. In the first one, we seem to be looking through a window to see the decorations hanging on the street:

Christmas Decorations in the street, Verona

Christmas Decorations in the street, Verona

But it’s really a puddle reflection of the street decorations; the stone pavement provides  the “wall” frame.

And yes, the photo is turned upside. But you wouldn’t expect anything less from me, right? 😉

In the next photo, though, I haven’t turned anything upside to get the view of the Stella Cometa (“Star of Bethlehem”) seeming to continue underground (in the front of the photo):

"Continuous" arc of the Stella Cometa, Verona

“Continuous” arc of the Stella Cometa, Verona

What’s fun about this photo is not just that the “underground” arc is really a reflection in a puddle. It’s also a photo I took without really being able to see what was going to be in the photo, as the conditions were too dark to really make out the reflection in the puddle. However, I could see that in principle it should be there, and so I snapped the photo with the intent of lightening it up on the computer to see what was revealed in the puddle. Definitely a fun little experiment – particularly since it paid off with an interesting reflection. 😉



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