Food on Fridays: Mirror Eggs

Today on Food on Fridays we continue our discussion from yesterday, sort of, and expand it to food.Yesterday, you’ll recall, I was talking about taking photos of reflections, and how we need to think of reflections as “landscapes”, with the mantra “Mountains and Mirrors” to remember which settings on the camera to use.

“Mountains and Mirrors”, you may also recall, translates in German as Berge und Spiegel, Spiegel being the word for Mirror.

So last week I was visiting a friend in the morning, and she invited me to stay for an impromptu lunch, nothing fancy, just Bratkartoffeln und Spiegel Eier, “fried potatoes and mirror eggs”.

Um, wait, what was that last part?

Turns out that Spiegel Eier is merely how you say “eggs fried sunny-side up” in German.

Spiegal und Spiegel Eier und Bratkartoffeln

Spiegel und Spiegel Eier und Bratkartoffeln

Including the real Spiegel (“mirror”) in the above photo is a deliberate bit of whimsy — this style of eggs, even without the real Spiegel in the photo, is really called Spiegel Eier in German.

Long-term readers of my blogs may recall that in Italian there was a different kind of unexpected name for this type of egg.  Go figure – who would have thought that a simple fried egg could win up with such a diverse set of names around the world.

Below is another version of the photo. It’s all Chris’s fault, as he asked if I was going to flip the photo over like I usually do, since one might also flip a fried egg over while cooking. So think of this photo as “eggs over easy,” since flipping a photo with a reflection in it is easy enough for me. 😉

"Eggs over easy"

“Eggs over easy”




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