Moving right along

Herzlich willkommen and welcome to the new home of Two to TÜ! Just to be clear, it’s just the blog that has a new address; Chris and I are still living in the same place.

The main thing that you need to make note of is that you’ll need to update any bookmark you have in your web browser to point to the new URL for the blog:

Going forward, this is where all new blog entries will be posted. Note that all the old posts from the last 10.5 months have already been transferred over to this new site, so the whole blog is now here. Also, if you’ve been a “subscriber” to the blog in the past, your subscription has been transferred over here as well.

So, why the change?

Well, up to now I have been using (WPC) to host my blogs. But recently WPC made a corporate decision to take their blogging software in a direction I really didn’t want to go, integrating more with social media sites such as Facebook, etc.

So, I decided to find another solution for my blog, which is what you see here. Please take it for a test drive. Kick the tires: click on some previous posts, read a few comments – note there are new ones from Stan and Kathy that you might not have seen yet, since they came in after I started the move on Thursday. Add a new comment of your own. Can you still find your way around the blog without too much trouble?

I really welcome your feedback – please do let me know what you think. While I didn’t design the new site from scratch, the User Experience software designer that’s still lurking within me wants to make sure every one of my readers can still use the blog. If need be, I can tweak it here and there with the help of my friendly technical expert, Chris, who was instrumental in helping me set up this new site – thanks, Chris, couldn’t have done it without you!

Tomorrow, I plan to get things back to normal on Two to TÜ, with a regular kind of post: I’ll be spotlighting the new way the photo galleries appear in a post about Montpellier. Stay tuned!

P.S. Since all the other posts about the changes to the blog had a musical clip, why should this one be any exception, eh?  So, click here for today’s movie musical clip. It’s been running through my head since I thought of the title for today’s post. Enjoy.


Moving right along — 3 Comments

  1. Loved the movie clip. That is one of my favorite movies believe it or not!!

  2. did you have to pay for this site? I really like it. I am not oppose to sharing the site with FB however as I make a lot of connections with visual artists on that site, and now we are cross pollinating on WordPress.

  3. @Judie – glad you like that clip! I really enjoyed that first Muppets Movie, too.
    @Kathy – I’m paying for a webhost as a place to put the blog. The software I’m using is free, but needs to be set up in a way that requires a bit of technical knowledge. I think for what you’re doing, the is the best place for your blog, particularly since you can take advantage of their new links,etc with all the social media! 🙂

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