Never assume – #1

This is the first in what I have planned as a periodic series of photos of things that aren’t what they seem.  Today’s entry: a restaurant named Gasthaus Bavaria.  

Here’s a photo of the outside of the restaurant – it’s in a building that’s around the corner from our apartment building in the Altstadt (old city) part of Tübingen. The restaurant is in the bottom part of the building, the part that’s painted orange:

Gasthaus Bavaria - the restaurant in the orange part of the building in the middle on the left

Gasthaus Bavaria - the restaurant in the orange part of the building in the middle on the left

Can you guess the type of food they serve?

A. American

B. German

C. Greek

D. Italian

The answer is at the bottom of this post.

I got the idea for this series of “Never Assume” Tübingen photos because things here are not always what they seem. At least that’s how it seems to me. 😉

BTW, “Never Assume”, which Chris and I have adopted as our sometime mantra when travelling to new places and seeing new things, refers back to a scene in one of my favorite non-musical movies, Desk Set.  Yes, I do have favorite movies that aren’t musicals. Desk Set stars the incomparable team of Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy; here’s a clip I found on YouTube to the scene in question; it really gets started around 2:44; the “Never Assume” part comes in around 8:00, and you’ll need to go the next part of the movie to see the last 30 seconds of the scene.

Anyway, scroll down for the answer to the question I posted about the Gasthaus Bavaria…

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Type of food that Gasthaus Bavaria serves? The correct answer is Greek.

Yes, I know. The building looks typically German, and there’s absolutely no hint from the outside of the building, nor from their very typically German name, that the restaurant inside serves Greek food. According to the sign in their windows, though, this restaurant as been there for 30 years.

See what I mean? Never assume.


Never assume – #1 — 4 Comments

  1. Does its name have anything to do with Greek? It sure doesn’t look that way to me, a non-German reader, speaker.

    Always loved that Hepburn Tracy scene.

  2. That’s so odd! Guess the “keep ’em guessing” mantra makes for a successful business there.

  3. Love this post. I remember seeking that movie Desk set in black and white??? maybe on b w tv? I remember the bit about having two different sock colors and how smart she was. I wish I could never assume…

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