23 Skidoo
We’ve lived in 2 different places in Tübingen. Our “vacation apartment” (up those 59 steps, you may recall) was #23 on that street. Our current place is #23 as well – funny coincidence.
We’ve lived in 2 different places in Tübingen. Our “vacation apartment” (up those 59 steps, you may recall) was #23 on that street. Our current place is #23 as well – funny coincidence.
Actually, it’s not just myself I’m promoting today. An art exhibit, Open Apple Steve: “Memoriam: An aesthetic homage to Steve Jobs”, opens tomorrow, November 16th, 2011 at The Tech Garden in Syracuse, NY. The show was organized and curated by Ty Marshall, … Continue reading
Der Mischmasch is German for “hodgepodge” and since today I have a mix of small topics to talk about, that seemed like a good word to use for an alliterative title for the post.
Today is November 11, 2011, which can be written 11.11.11 in some cultures. That in and of itself seems worthy of note. Someone in my class — she’s from South America, FWIW — commented that on days like this, where … Continue reading
More than a month ago, back on October 5, 2011, I reached Day 1500 of my One a Day Project.
For each town we’ve lived in, Chris and I have been able to locate a commercially available postcard with an aerial view of the town. The aerial view we look for crucially shows the part of town where we live.
A few furniture updates today. First, I had to leave my German class early today to come home and wait for der Schrank, which means “closet” in German. I’d actually call it an armoire in English, since it’s freestanding, and the … Continue reading
Over the weekend, Chris and I finally made it to the public library here in Tübingen. We’d been meaning to go and get library cards for a while, but on the weekends, the library in Tübingen is only open on … Continue reading
The overriding color of autumn here in Tübingen is yellow-gold, the current color of most of the leaves, particularly those that have already dropped from the trees.
Thanks to our visiting friend, DM, I have a couple of food photos to show today. Thanks, DM, for letting me use them on the blog!