Postcard Shot Take 3: Nearly Perfect

Since moving to our new apartment in the Altstadt (old city) part of Tübingen, I walk to my German class instead of taking the bus every day. My walking route takes me over the bridge from which you get that standard “postcard view” of the old part of Tübingen.

Although I’ve already posted a couple of different versions I’ve taken of that view, today I’ll offer what I think it pretty nearly the quintessential shot:

"Postcard" view of Tübingen, October 2011

"Postcard" view of Tübingen, October 2011

Really, you can’t get much better than that: blue sky, with a perfectly clear reflection of the medieval buildings in the Neckar River. The one thing missing is the yellow turret where a famous mad German poet was ensconced for decades; it’s just beyond the bend to the left. Unfortunately, I wasn’t standing in the right spot to get that into the photo … so my perfect postcard shot still is out there. It’s also waiting for better weather to come back – I’m not sure the perfect postcard shot can really be had with the grey weather we have a the moment.

In the meantime, I’d say that for a photo of that view without the turret, this is a practically perfect view of Tübingen on the Neckar. 😉


Postcard Shot Take 3: Nearly Perfect — 4 Comments

  1. Dad wants to know more about the mad German poet.Do you have a name?

    The leaves are beginning to change so our views are getting very pretty.

    A nice shot of the postcard “view.”

  2. I liked the other postcard picture so much I made a copy of it. I can hardly wait to see this view myself, next May!

  3. @Mom, tell Dad I’ll have to get back to you about the name of the poet.
    @Stan, we’ll have to do one of our photo challenges of this shot when you and Judie are here in May. 🙂
    @Ashley, thanks very much!

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