Two for a Tuesday

Well yesterday’s Monday Mystery turned out to be one of those  “where is the missing blog post?” mysteries. Sorry about that. We’ve been knee-deep (sometimes literally) in sorting papers and other things as we move along the path toward moving out of the apartment by the end of the month.  That isn’t leaving as much time for a blog post as I would like.

But to make up for it today, I’ll offer not one, but two tantalizing tidbits about English royalty. Continue reading

Food on Fridays: Lasagna’s Fatal Lure

Today on Food on Fridays I’m re-running  a post I wrote on my old blog a few years ago, when Chris and lived in Bolzano. It’s a great story, and as it’s appropriate to this time of the year,  I thought it well worth another mention.

So below you will find the text from my 2011 22bz blog post explaining all about “The Fatal Lure of Lasagna. ” Enjoy.

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Last call on a Mardi Gras

Today is the last day before Lent: Mardi Gras, Martedí Grasso, Fastnachtsdienstag, Fat Tuesday. Whatever you call it, the key thing to know is it’s the final call — er, day — for most Berliners (“jelly doughnuts”) to be available here in Tübingen. Starting tomorrow there shouldn’t be many variations available in the bakeries, if any. Continue reading