A Pig in a Decke

I thought about making this topic a Monday mystery, but the only mystery about this is a question of how popular these really are. I also thought about saving the photo until Friday, but my self-imposed Food on Fridays rule is that the topic should be a food Chris and I have actually tried.

But when I saw this poster the other day for a new food now available exclusively at the supermarket where I shop, well, I couldn’t pass up the chance to take a photo: Continue reading

Breaking News: And the winner is …

After I finished the other blog post tonight, we flipped on the TV and happened on the contest to pick Germany’s entry in this year’s Eurovision.  We were in time for the semi-final round, where 4 acts had 2 songs a piece in the running, for a total of 8 songs in the mix.  Here’s my rough notes on them, written before the top 2 songs were picked for the run-off to pick the winner: Continue reading