Food on Fridays: Musical Cheese in Frankfurt
Today on Food on Fridays we take a look at specialty food from Frankfurt: Cheese and Music, washed down with the local version of apple wine.
Today on Food on Fridays we take a look at specialty food from Frankfurt: Cheese and Music, washed down with the local version of apple wine.
Today on Food on Fridays we look at a relatively recent addition to the Tübingen food scene: a daily dose of house made quiche. Not exactly what you’d expect to find in Germany, eh?
I thought about making this topic a Monday mystery, but the only mystery about this is a question of how popular these really are. I also thought about saving the photo until Friday, but my self-imposed Food on Fridays rule … Continue reading
Today on Food on Fridays we take a look at an intriguing idea for a company: creating your own cookies online for someone to bake for you.
Today on a Food on Fridays we discover a most unusual after-dinner drink: Liquore alla Rucola.
Today on Food on Fridays I’m re-running a post I wrote on my old blog a few years ago, when Chris and lived in Bolzano. It’s a great story, and as it’s appropriate to this time of the year, I … Continue reading
Today is the last day before Lent: Mardi Gras, Martedí Grasso, Fastnachtsdienstag, Fat Tuesday. Whatever you call it, the key thing to know is it’s the final call — er, day — for most Berliners (“jelly doughnuts”) to be available … Continue reading
Today on Monday Mysteries we find the real meaning of a food idea that turns out to be another Bad Idee in German.
Today on Food on Fridays we re-visit the topic of Krapfen as we celebrate the fact that this post is the 700th post on this blog. 🙂
Today on Monday Mysteries we take a quick look at an unexpected bar.