We’re having odd weather here, where it veers from nearly spring-like during the day to down below freezing at night. Two years ago, it was so cold that the river froze over, this year the crocuses are poking out during the day, although the frost overnight can’t be doing them any good. We’ve had this on and off for a while now. Back when it first started I took a photo of a few frosted leaves, and since then have had some fun experimenting with different effects to see what I could do in the digital darkroom. I think my favorite is the last in the gallery below, even though the effect of the green leaf with frost on it is lost, since you get to see so much more frost covering all the leaves with slightly lighter black and white settings.
See what you think.
- Frost – Variation with Agfa Vista 200 color film
- Frost in Tübingen- variation with a “cappuccino” styling
- Frost – Variation with digital approximation of Kodak Elite Chrome 200 film
- Frost – Variation with digital approximation of Ilford 800 B&W film
- Frost – Variation with digital approximation of Kodak 400 B&W film with sepia gold tone
- Frost – Variation with digital approximation of Kodak 400 B&W film with brighter sepia gold tone
My first impression was it appeared to be a shell of some kind until I read you post.
Very interesting. I like the second one (800 B&W film) best as I like the greenish tinge.
I like close-ups of leaves that show their veins as well as their natural colors, or as close to that as possible.
Thanks for the comments – glad you enjoyed some of them! 🙂