Hamburg by the dark of day

So there I was at the Hamburg harbor on Friday. The skies in the morning were a bit cloudy, overall grayish-white, kind of flat. There were very occasional glimpses of sunlight and a tiny bit of blue sky. But mostly, it was cloudy. But then, just as I tried to capture a few artsy shots of the majestic large cranes and even larger ships, the sun came blasting out in full force — precisely opposite from where i was standing.

Since I was now shooting directly into the sun, I tried an approach that would put most of the things into silhouette. I then further enhanced that dark/light contrast effect in my digital darkroom. As a result, today’s set of photos seem to offer a taste of Hamburg’s harbor at night.

Except it was really midday at the time.



Hamburg by the dark of day — 2 Comments

  1. Pingback: Hamburg by the light of day | Two to TÜ

  2. Pingback: Sunset in Hamburg | Two to TÜ

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