Up above Hamburg

One of the highest church steeples in the world is in Hamburg, at the original site of the Church of St. Nicholas. It was heavily damaged during the bombing during WWII, and after the war, the citizens decided to leave the ruins of the church as a monument to victims of the war in all countries.

In 2005, the city put in an elevator that whisks you up the 75 meters (246 ft) to the top of the steeple, where you can get an overview (literally) of Hamburg. Since most of the city was damaged or destroyed in the bombing, from this vantage point you can see that the city is a mix of architecture, with building styles ranging from those that were reconstructed in the old-style, to more modern glass and metal office buildings. And everything in between.

Anyway, see below for a glimpse of the view from above in Hamburg.



Up above Hamburg — 2 Comments

  1. I like the pic of the train station tower the best. Wonder why they don’t have any really tall skyscrapers. Their building code prohibits them do you think.

    Like nothing could be built higher than William Penn’s hat in Philly. I don’t think that’s true anymore though.

  2. I like the view of the gargoyle trying to take a bite out of the steeple!

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