After an autumn rain

After it rains here in Tübingen — something it does here quite often — blue skies sometimes appear.

After it rains here in Tübingen this time of year, the ground always becomes littered with leaves that have fallen from the trees during the storm.

Which means that after it rains here in Tübingen in autumn, there’s a chance you’ll happen upon a place where those leaves are floating on top of that blue sky. Well, at least in a puddle.

As it turned out, I recently found just such a spot. Please note that the photo below is really just a picture of a reflection of the sky in a puddle. It is not a composite photo or a double-exposure. The photo below really shows exactly how that puddle really looked to me in real life — when you remember that I always envision these sorts of scenes upside-down when I look at these puddles. 😉


After an Autumn Rain, Tübingen, October 2013

After an Autumn Rain, Tübingen, October 2013


After an autumn rain — 3 Comments

  1. Well, I’ll be switched, you find the most fascinating pictures in puddles and this is one of the best–flying leaves!

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