Gone fishing

The title of this post is a reference to something I remember seeing referenced in comic strips, where a shop-owner posts it on their when they want to play hookey and take a day off. I assume that the original usage was literal, i.e. people really were heading out on a sunny day to go fishing.

I’m not using it quite so literally. For the next two weeks, the blog will be on hiatus as Chris and I roam our old favorite haunts in Italy. I’m not planning getting up close and personal to any live fish, although I do hope we find lots of good ones served up on plates in restaurants. So, perhaps I should say we’re going fishing for some good food? That’s at least more accurate, although it doesn’t have the same ring as the original expression.

In any case, I’m sure I’ll find a thing or two to blog about on the trip. And I’ll probably take a photo or two … or two hundred. You know me. 😉 Regular posts resume October 7th. Until then, ciao, ciao for now!



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