Saturday in the Square

The webcam in Tübingen is in a window of the Rathaus (City Hall) building,  which sits on one side of the Marktplatz (Market Square). I’ve commented in the past that it’s unfortunate the camera is on the front of that building, since that building actually has one of the most interesting façades in the Marktplatz, but you can’t see it on the webcam.

But perhaps it doesn’t matter so much right now, since they are doing renovation work inside the Rathaus, and there’s a fair bit of construction in front of the building at the moment. I’ve included a couple of photos below of what the Marktplatz looked like this past Saturday, when Chris and were taking some photos. In the photos below that show the Rathaus building, you’ll also be able to spot the Friendly Tourist taking photos using our tripod.

Since I wasn’t finding much photographic inspiration in those big barriers that are stationed in front of city hall, I turned my attention to the fountain in the square. The fountain has a statue of Neptune on the top; the water god currently presides over a bunch of boards, as the fountain is turned off and covered over with wood for the winter.

Now, as much as I like fountains in general, the Tübingen Neptune one actually isn’t my favorite, even when the water is turned on. However, on Saturday, which was a cold but sunny day, there were some melted snow splotches that provided enough water to allow for a few intriguing reflections.

See what you think.


Saturday in the Square — 2 Comments

  1. The Neptune reflections and the blobs are uncanny, other-worldly. They give me the shivers, but in a good way. You get my vote to do the cinematography for the remake of “Creature from the Black Lagoon.”

  2. Too funny, Will! Let me know where to sign up for the cinematography gig. 😉 Actually, those blobs also gave Chris the creeps – he though t it looked like pools of blood. Fascinating the they have that effect – I just thought they were intriguing shapes and textures and reflections. 😉

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