A Venetian Walkabout

So the idea for my post today was to show what we saw just wandering around Venice on foot, without using our vaporetto (“boat bus”) pass. It’s not really an ordered set of things, as we just meandered here and there, exploring some old stomping grounds (for us), as well as a few new things.

Monday’s post will be all about what we saw when we used the vaporetto to explore a bit further afield.

But today it’s all about sites we saw that didn’t require hopping on a bus/boat. Since this wasn’t our first time in Venice, we didn’t actually go to the standard tourist sites – i.e. there are no photos of St. Mark’s Square per se, for example. However, we enjoyed the random rambling ’round … on foot.

BTW, the title of this post occurred to me because for me the Australian term walkabout can be used to mean more general just a walk/stroll/adventure. However, according to Wikipedia, that’s not the case. And, the Wikipedia article wound up referencing the German term Wanderlust, which it claimed can mean what I wanted walkabout to mean, i.e. a walk/stroll/general adventure. However, I haven’t heard that usage here in Tübingen, yet; here, I’ve only run across Wanderlust in the context of wanting to travel in general, not stroll around a city.

But then again, how reliable is Wikipeida, I suppose.

So, take your pick of terms. The key idea here is that Chris and I wandered around Venice without a particular tourist itinerary in mind, and we saw a bunch of random things while walking around. And I took photos of a few of them. That’s about as much of a theme as I have to offer today. Enjoy.  😉


A Venetian Walkabout — 2 Comments

  1. I love it when you send a bunch of pictures because it is a challenge to see which ones I like best and why. In third place, There were a series of pictures of touristy spots with a nice touch and a nice angle: Two Gondolas, Venetian bridge with reflection and the Angled view of the Ducal Palace. In second place, there were the whimsical pictures I liked–the two “faces” and the “laundry shadows.” Finally, the one with the most pizzazz: You guessed it: “The Wavy Bridge Supports!”

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