Fußball Fashion

It’s time today to talk about Fußball!

Fußball is German for “football”,  in the European sense of that word, that is.  I’m referring, of course, to the game called “soccer” in the North America. I bring this up because the 2012 UEFA European Football Championships, which the cognoscenti refer to as “Euro 2012“, officially started last Friday. It is a tournament between teams from 16 European countries that runs until July 1st. This year, the venues are in both Poland  and the Ukraine.

At the moment,  you can see little doohickies all around town sporting the German colors, in a show of support for the national team. There are flags, streamers, shirts, coats, plastic horns, scarfs …and car decorations.

Since I was never a big American football fan, I was never aware of the range of sports-fan decorations one can buy for one’s car. I’m assuming that comparable things do exist in the U.S., though.

Chris and I happened to see a package of something mysterious in a shop the other day, and we both stood there puzzled for a minute, having no idea what it would be for. We did eventually figure it out, but it was more fun later when we passed by a car that was actually modelling that particular car fashion accessory:*

Car with all the accessories

Car with all the accessories

*The mystery piece is NOT the flag, but the other thing. When it was scrunched up in a tiny package, it was hard to determine that it was an outside rear-view mirror “mitten” – that’s my term, I don’t actually know what to call it.  I did not know such things existed – I guess I’ve led a sheltered life.

Now, in addition to fashionable streamers and flags in town, there are also several temporary outdoor beer gardens, complete with large-screen TVs, that spring to life on the nights when Euro 2012 features a match by the German team.  This car doesn’t have far to go to see the next match, actually. That’s a bar with outside tables in the background behind the car, a perfect spot from which to watch Germany play the Netherlands in their game tonight.

How convenient :  that car is all dressed up and has some place to go.


BTW, since I don’t really know anything about soccer, all questions about the Euro 2012 matches should be referred directly to Chris, my resident expert.  We aren’t planning on going to that bar (or anything other outdoor spot) tonight, but Chris has been watching some of the matches on our TV at home.


Fußball Fashion — 3 Comments

  1. Never see a team mitten on a side mirror before either. Yep, Syracuse is painted (metaphorically) orange during basket ball season. Football season too, but SU’s basketball gets better stats then their football team. I live with a sports enthusiast and of course am familiar with most games including European style soccer that is played it seems every where but here in US in a professional sense. I rather watch a sunset to be honest it is more thrilling.
    Love your posts. I am trying to come up with a post a day and have 7 done in 2 years. I am going to start as soon as I can think of short witty stories. mmm maybe, or just pound away at the keyboard like Jackson Pollack painted. oh, i do that already. looking forward to seeing you in August.

  2. Saw a battle between Polish and Russians the other day on the news.

    Trust there won’t be such outbursts in your neck of the woods.

    But don’t get the side window accessory. Does it cover the mirror, I assume not, and is it made of waterproof material?

    To each his own. We have our own fanatics with their jersey’s, hats, pennants and who knows what else.

  3. Thanks, Kathy! Good luck with the daily posts! @Mom – I assume that the little mitten doesn’t obstruct the view of the mirror, but I didn’t actually get close enough to the car to check.

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