The Icemen Cameth

So last week I told you that our unseasonably warm weather at the beginning of May was threatened by the coming of the “Icemen of May”, who (can) bring unseasonably cold weather in the period between May 11th  and May 14th. At least, that’s the legend.

Well, legends are based in reality, I guess. Right on schedule, more or less, the cold weather came in Friday night. Temperatures during the day had been above 80ºF/27ºC, but at night — and all day Saturday and Sunday — temperatures barely reached the high 40s/low 50sF (4º-10ºC).  It was a tad warmer today, but not much.

Yesterday was at least bright and sunny (and cool), and so when we were walking around town, there was a nice sunny sparkle on the Neckar River. Although there are only 3 boatmen in my “Boatmen Cometh” photo below, I made 4 variations of the photo, in honor of the 4 Icemen of May who cameth.



The Icemen Cameth — 4 Comments

  1. I love variation #2 as it looks like they are going through ice. all the others are of course excellent too. Back from visit.

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