A little while longer

Well, I’m still in the midst of errands every day, and the only Internet cafe that seems to be near us doesn’t have hours that fit well into my schedule at the moment. So, while I’ll try to get back over to the Internet Cafe before the end of the week, I won’t promise.

In addition to my morning German class, my days are filled with excursions to stores for our growing collection of household items. There’s only so much one person can carry back on the bus, so now that Chris is working again, I´m needing to make more than one foray to pick up whatever we still need.

But maybe that will help us not buy so much all at once. You know you’ve been doing too much household supply shopping when two days after a trip, neither one of you can remember what was in the big box and bag that Chris carefully carried home on the bus one day. Too many purchases, too little time to relax and enjoy them.

Of course, that box, when we finally remembered what was in it, had held the vacuum cleaner. I’m not sure that´s something you’d exactly sit back and enjoy, so maybe that’s why we put it out of our mind.

Anyway, I may be more picky about making the expeditions to the shops in the afternoons  if the weather prediction for tomorrow and the following days holds true: the umbrellas are most decidedly up. We shall see how reliable the local forecast is when it comes to rain. In the meantime, greetings from the currently (mostly) sunny city of Tübingen.


A little while longer — 3 Comments

  1. I’m happy to read your update. Only 5 more days until you have internet, right?? Happy shoppin’ in the rain!

  2. Like Karen above, I can’t wait until the internet is up and running. I hope all is well and that this shopping craze ends. That way you will have your home in place and you will be able to get back to a routine that you like. German classes, how’s that working for you. Can you now say hello and where is the ……help me put this damn thing together…. can you pick me up at the store so I don’t have to use the bus to carry my house hold items with me.
    Do people rent cars?

  3. Karen and Kathy, thanks for the comments. I popped into an internet cafe for a minute today, but have more shopping to do. I can indeed say Where is the X, in a store as long as I look up the vocabulary first. The little dictionary I bought for my iPod Touch is quite handy! While people do indeed rent cars here, that’s a whole ‘nuther level of vocabulary that I haven’t tried to master yet. I do, however, now know quite a bit about the buses… 🙂

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