A Tree at Sunset

We were waiting at a stoplight before crossing a street here in Tübingen, when all of a sudden a tree and its sunlit backdrop caught my eye. 

I didn’t have a lot of time before the light — both the sun and the stoplight —changed, but I quickly snapped a couple of photos. Today while looking at them, I at first thought, ah, this one captures the tree best:

A tree at sunset, Tübingen, Candidate #1

A tree at sunset, Tübingen, Candidate #1

But then I tinkered some more with the settings, until I thought no, this one captures the tree and the light the best:

A tree at sunset, Tübingen, Candidate #2

A tree at sunset, Tübingen, Candidate #2

But finally, I turned to the  the second photo I snapped, and tweaked a littte more on that one.  I’m certain now that this one captures that tree — and that moment at sunset — the best.

A tree at sunset, Tübingen (One a Day pick)

A tree at sunset, Tübingen (One a Day pick)

Only 30 seconds at the street corner and over one hour on the computer spent in my virtual “darkroom” to perfect a spontaneous scene in Tübingen.


A Tree at Sunset — 2 Comments

  1. Reminds me of the time you went over to the Delaware River to capture the perfect sunset.

    Last photo of the tree looks spooky, a good one for Halloween. I like the second one best.

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