Time Stands Still in Barcelona

So I like clocks, I like clouds, and I like to experiment with my photos on my computer. It’s rare, though, that I experiment by darkening just one part of the photo while lightning another part. However, the clouds and the clock seemed to cry out for that kind of treatment when I viewed my original photo of a clock in Barcelona.

This clock only worked part of the time — no pun intended. The clock dial was supposed to be continuously rotating 360º, but sometimes it would be paused in mid-revolution.  Time stands still, and all that. Of course, in a still photo of a clock, time always stands still, so that’s what I decided to call this photo.

See what you think of my creative “timepiece” from Barcelona.

Time Stands Still in Barcelona

Time Stands Still in Barcelona


Time Stands Still in Barcelona — 3 Comments

  1. I like the over-all effect. It looks like brush strokes were used to create the color contrast.
    How high are the birds that seem to be circling the building. One looks like a plane far away.

  2. I instantly thought that time was dead, because of the circling birds and ominous dark clouds. then with the glow around the clock i felt more reassured and knew that it just stopped. Like a person who is declared dead at first, but then after a brief time of death they spring back and then discuss their near death experience. The computer has a lot of interesting things so that you can paint and create different things that come from your unique art zone.

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