One more round

The weather forecast starting tomorrow predicts temperatures of zero and above, which means that — in theory — the Neckar River will begin to un-freeze.

Hmm. Is un-freeze really a word? I wonder. De-frost just doesn’t sound quite right, though.

Anyway, whatever we call it, tomorrow the ice currently covering the Neckar River may start to melt. So, I decided to go ahead an provide another round of photos of that “postcard shot” and variations on the “Neckar under Ice” theme. In today’s photos, look for all the footsteps in the snow from yesterday’s still-illegal walking (by crazy people) on the ice, as well as the snow flakes from today’s snowstorm on the railing of the bridge. (I even saw a couple of people cross the river today at lunchtime, although I wasn’t in a position to take a photo at the time.) But, I’ve included a shot of that never-quite-frozen part next to the bridge, to show how crazy people are to think they cn walk on the river. Finally, there’s a shot to show where the birds go when their “condo” is full. Enjoy.


One more round — 2 Comments

  1. My God, there are real crazy people there. “Walking on thin ice,” must have started on the Neckar right there in your little neck of the woods. or in this case neck of the Neckar. Oh help us all! brilliant photos.

  2. Maybe the ice will melt. Unfreeze is a word as is thaw.

    Whatever the word, why would people try and walk on thin ice.

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