The Ice River Cometh

According to our local sources, the last time the Neckar River froze over was back in 1996.  The time before that was in 1920. However, with temperatures well below freezing for over a week now, the river is well on its way to completely freezing over.

I’ve included below a photo taken from my standard “Postcard Shot”  location almost two weeks ago, one taken last week, and a couple taken this morning, when the temperature was a balmy -15ºC/5ºF.

Interestingly, I don’t think the photos from today really capture the fact that it’s ice you’re seeing there on the river. The water in the middle is still flowing a little, but not much. I do think that if this weather holds up, it will completely freeze over by the end of the week. Brrr. If I can manage to keep my gloves off long enough, I’ll see if I can get a better icy river photo before the end of the week.

Really, Mother Nature — and Cooper —  did not need to go this far to prove to me that it’s cold out there. 😉


The Ice River Cometh — 2 Comments

  1. Gee, aren’t u lucky to be there when the iceman cometh again.

    Maybe it will freeze entirely and set another record.

    Time to get your ice skates out.

  2. Lets see, Vancouver doesn’t get snow, you lived there, snow falleth, The Neckar seldom freezes, you live there and the ice cometh, Syracuse usually has snow on ground from January 1st til March, your art work cometh and the ground has been seen all during the year except for a couple of days. So my observations lead me to say, you and Chris are personally responsible for global warming. Ha Ha Ho Ho

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