What happens when the gloves come off

Despite the cold temperatures today, thanks to Cooper, and despite the fact that to use my little point-and-shoot camera I have to take my gloves off, I was inspired to try to take a panoramic look at the buildings along the Neckar River.

This is a variation of the postcard shot, I guess, except the buildings are partially obscured by the trees that run down the middle of the little island in the middle of the Neckar. Which was why I took the photo; I noticed as I walked by that without the leaves on the trees, you get a nice panoramic view of those buildings through the trees.

Normally to take those “postcard” photos I’m standing over on the Neckar Brücke bridge, which is to the far right in this photo. Click on the photo to open a larger size of it in a new window. You might then try also clicking on it again in the new window; in many browsers the photo will become even larger.

Neckar River Panorama, Tübingen, February 2012

Neckar River Panorama, Tübingen, February 2012

BTW, there is a little of a blue fringe around the tops of the trees that you may start noticing in the larger version of the photo. This is not true-to-life – there was no blue fringe around the trees, it’s just an artifact of the image that I have not yet removed. Think of it as symbolizing my fingers turning blue as I took the photos.

OK, well, not really, but it was pretty cold for taking photos without gloves, even for a few minutes.  The things I do for my photography, eh?


What happens when the gloves come off — 2 Comments

  1. Like models who pose in sunwear in Feb. or wear furs in August.

    All done for “art.”
    The blue fringe is even in the small version. Quite attractive, actually.

  2. Is that Cooper like BD the guy that jumped out of an airplane in the 70″s from wiki, “D. B. Cooper is the name popularly used to refer to an unidentified man who hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft in the airspace between Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington on November 24, 1971. He extorted $200,000[1] in ransom and parachuted to an uncertain fate.” When you first told us about the name it came to mind, today I had to bring it up to make sure. Any way, the photo was way cool. brrr I can’t wait to visit.

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