Tonight at 7pm…

… was the opening of my photo show here in Tübingen! It was great fun. 20-30 people (our neighbors, Chris’ colleagues, and some of the people from my language class and their friends) all turned out to see the photos.  Many thanks to all of them, plus the owners of the language school for putting on the show!

I’ll try to post a full report with some photos that Chris took tomorrow; after several hours of standing around and chatting/answering questions about the photos, I’m a bit tired. So, I’ll just point you to a site where you can see all the photos that were in the show. Think of it as seeing the show for the first time, albeit without the sparkling beverages that were provided at the real opening tonight. 😉

Click here to see the photos that are in my Reflections show

There’s also still time to come to Tübingen to see the show in person: the photos will be hanging at the language school until sometime in February. 🙂

Anyway, more tomorrow…


Tonight at 7pm… — 6 Comments

  1. I recognized a few of your wonderful pictures but there were also some surprises. In fact, I had not seen before both my own #1 and #2. #2, I call Willows in the Water and I like it because of the colors, and the texture. On further looking, I thought the two ducks were cute and helped give me a perspective.
    My #1 “splendiforous” picture is actually the first picture in the series. The bright pink is stunning and all the up and down lines in it make it a very strong picture. However, the other outstanding quality is its mystery. I cannot figure out where the real picture is and where the reflection is!
    I wonder how many people knew that Chris and his hat were in the picture of the coliseum?

  2. Really lovely pieces, Linda! Hope you were able to actually enjoy the opening (rather than it being overly stressful, esp. after all the work of getting the photos ready for display)!

  3. Impressive dear, and these photos mark a turn in your career. You are getting into something that is beautiful, thought provoking and over all art that no one can doubt..

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