
Here’s a photo is of a phenomenon that Chris noticed while I was snapping some other shots in Verona last week. The sun happened to catch the lamppost globes in just the right way that it “lit” the lamppost lights, which of course weren’t actually on, since it was broad daylight at the time: 

Now that we know there’s the potential for this to happen in this spot, we’ll have to time it right to see it again, so I can take a photo when the sun is at just the right angle. When Chris first saw it, all 3 lamps were lit. I was busy taking some of those Stella Cometa photos. By the time I swung the camera over to try to capture the lamps, the sun had already moved enough that the 3rd light had “gone out”.

Fun to see, nevertheless. 🙂


Lamplight — 2 Comments

  1. I’m beginning to notice reflective “pics” in my own backyard.

    This morning as I was leaving the pool I glanced outside through a window and could swear there was water flowing towards the little pond in back. But of course it was part of the pool reflected in the window. The light must have hit it just right because I never “saw” it before. And I don’t have a camera.

    I have you to thank for making me aware of my surroundings.

  2. this is cool. Did you ever think of using filters for this kind of shot. Not sure if filters are used for this, but way back in the 70’s the young photographers I knew from that little art studio IDO-( i worked there). The guys would go to rock concerts and photo bands with various filters. they would even use film that was inferred. Lots of odd art shots. The sun is too overbearing in that picture. I like it. Very interesting gotta get it when it happens. It is like watching the Earth Move. I see dead people! Very neat and opens up a whole other way of looking.

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