On Hiatus – Part 3

For the third time this month, we’re hopping on the 8:05am train to Stuttgart to set out on a short trip.  First it was Bolzano, then to the workshop (near) Bonn.  Today we’re breaking out of the “Bs” and heading north for a few days in Hamburg. Regular posts on the blog won’t resume next Monday, February 2nd.

In the meantime, and apropos of nothing related to Hamburg, below are a few puddle pictures from Verona.  I’ve been meaning to post them since the trip in December, but haven’t gotten to it before now. As I said, it really has nothing to do with Hamburg … except Hamburg gets a fair amount of rain each year. Which means they may have a fair number of puddles…

Anyway, that’s something to ponder while you pursue the following puddles photos. 😉

See you on Monday!



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