Food on Fridays: Creating the Cookies

Today on Food on Fridays we take a look at an intriguing idea for a company: creating your own cookies online for someone to bake for you.

Welcome to the concept of (the name literally means “cookie workshop”). It’s a company located in Germany which ships to addresses in Germany and neighboring countries. Their business model is fairly straightforward: you, as the customer, use their online interface to choose up to 4 ingredients to add to one of their basic cookie batters, and then they bake you a batch of those cookies and ship them to you. The ingredients include the standard cookie suspects: chocolate chips, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.  But they also offer some savory ingredients: curry cookies, anyone? Anyway, the idea of designing your own cookies is quite a fun idea.

Here are the cookies Chris designed online at

Top: Cranberry Lemon; Btm Left: Vanilla Hazelnut; Btm Right: Chocolate Chip, Vanilla &Anise

Bottom: Cranberry Lemon; Vanilla, Hazelnut, Nutmeg; Chocolate Chip, Vanilla, Anise

Bags of Cookies Designed by Chris, Baked by Keksewerkstatt

Bags of Cookies Designed by Chris, Baked by Keksewerkstatt

What a fun and tasty concept!

Chris received a gift certificate for this from the people he worked with at the University. How did they know he’s been a cookie fan from way back?

The future Friendly Tourist spying some cookies

The future Friendly Tourist spying some cookies

Look at the smile on his face as he contemplates those cookies.  He could have been thinking to himself, “Wow, what are those ? Something tells me I’m into something good!”

Well, he could have been thinking that, eh? OK,  I’ll grant you he probably wasn’t singing that song, though … even if it was first recorded by a group name The Cookies.

Well, I just had to work that bit of trivia in somehow; that’s the way the cookie crumbles when you’re trying to end the post with a song about cookies. 😉


P.S. Thanks to Chris for agreeing to share that photo, taken in his Grandparents’ bakery in Florida, many years ago.

P.P.S. BTW, the only other song I’d considered was trying to work into was last year’s Eurovision entry from Latvia about a Cake to Bake.  Cute song, but not about cookies.




Food on Fridays: Creating the Cookies — 2 Comments

  1. Very photogenic cookies, and the last photo is one of the most arresting to have appeared in these pages!

    Chris’s grandparents had a bakery? Well, that explains a lot!

  2. what a cute baby. Did the cookies taste as good as they looked. And did they arrive whole?

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