Passing through the Piazza

I’ve been experimenting again with that “sweep panorama” feature on my cellphone.

Below you’ll find a few photos from last week in Bolzano last week.  On our way to the train station I stopped for a few minutes to take some panoramic photos of Piazza Walther. However, people kept walking in front of me. As I jokingly complained about that to Chris, it occurred to both of us that there was something interesting to try. During a sweep panorama, is it possible to capture a single person (or small group of people) in a sort of time-lapse?

The funny part was that just after I decided to try that — i.e., when I really needed people to walk cross the square — there was suddenly hardly anyone around. Figures. 😉

But I did manage to get a couple of somewhat decent attempts.  See what you think (remember you can click each one to open it in a new window at a bigger size):

1. Woman, Single File: A single woman walking away from us toward the back of the plaza. What looks like a laggard in the line is actually where she was when I started the “sweep” photo:

Woman, Single File

Woman, Single File

2. Woman #2, Single File:

Woman #2, Single File

Woman #2, Single File

3. Man, Single File: That elbow in the middle front is from the person walking with their bike passing in front of me as I was taking the photo.

Man, Single File

Man, Single File

4. Marchers on Parade: In truth, it’s just a pair of women walking together, one of which is in a red coat.

Marchers on Parade

Marchers on Parade



Passing through the Piazza — 3 Comments

  1. I really think this is fascinating and the red-coated lady parade was particularly impressive!

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