Seilbahnen Scene

On New Year’s Day Chris and I were wandering around Tübingen and happened upon a cute little scene in a jewelry store window. The scene was of a string of Seilbahnen, “cable cars”, hanging over a “wooded” valley. The Seilbahnen lead to a mountain top where there’s a figure skater perched perilously close to the edge of the cliff. The decorations all seem to be made of pages of newsprint, but I don’t know why; I didn’t see a sign that explained anything about the decorations or what they were made of. There were lots of cute little touches, including little figures playing musical instruments on top of the cable cars themselves. In the gallery below, I’ve included a few photos that try to capture the essence of the scene.

Although they took down that display sometime soon after January 1st, today seemed like a good day to bring up that Seilbahnen scene. While there are no real Seilbahnen near Tübingen,  there were 3 different ones in Bolzano, where we used to live.  You can actually see at least one of them as you approach Bolzano by the train from the North, when you can easily spot the cars hanging over the wooded hillside. The cars hanging over a wooded hillside look more or less like the ones in the jewelry store window scene … except without the moose, without the musicians, and without a figure skater at the end, of course. But I bring that one up because we’ll actually see that it tomorrow on our way back to Bolzano, where we’ll spend a few days. It will be a quick trip, but the blog will be on hiatus for the next week.  Look for regular posts to resume on Thursday, January 16th.

See you then!





Seilbahnen Scene — 1 Comment

  1. Growing up in Medford, Oregon, there was a jewelry store downtown that always had moving figurines in some kind of scene. I looked forward every time I went downtown to see what the next scene was. These are very cute as well.

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