At 650

Today’s marks the 650th post on the Two to TÜ blog. That sounds like a lot, except when I consider I did over 800 posts on the 22BZ blog back in Bolzano, in about the same amount of time.  I’d like to think that I’ve gotten more deliberate about my blogging. But in fact I think it’s just that when we travel nowadays, I’m not as ambitious as I once was to queue up posts in advance or to blog from the road. 😉

Anyway,  I spent a little time thinking today about what to say about our adventures over the last 38 months in Tübingen, the period during which I wrote these 650 posts. But how to sum up the variety of friendly new people we’ve met?  The fascinating places we’ve explored?  The unexpected opportunities that we’ve had?

It’s impossible to sum all that up in few words, though, not even 650 of them. After all, it has taken 650 posts to get this far. 😉  So as usual I won’t try to muse philosophically about our life in Tübingen. Rather, I’ll just express thanks to everyone who is continuing to follow the journey.

But of course there should always be a photo in one of these milestone posts, don’t you think?  In looking for a photo for today, I ran across a photo I took in Paris that hasn’t really fit into any post thus far, nor any future one I have planned.  However, I like it a lot – it was taken when we wandered by chance into a square in Paris.  The main attraction for me at first was a fountain there, but then turning around, I noticed that the “blue hour” of twilight was providing a perfect backdrop to the rising,  nearly full moon. It was a serendipitous moment for a photo.

In a serendipitous moment for this post, just for fun I did a quick search on the internet for “moon” and “650”.  And what do you know: there’s actually a piece of stereo equipment called Moon 650 D.

Now I were the type to wax philosophical, at this point in the post I’d try to draw some conclusions on the role of serendipity in my life.  But instead, I think I’ll just leave you with my photo, plus a link to a song about the moon. Note that it just so happens that both the song title, Destination Moon, and the singer’s name, Diana Panton,  begin with the letter “D”. Sort of a Moon 650 D, wouldn’t you say?


And hope to see you back here tomorrow for 651…


Moonrise, Paris, 2014

Moonrise, Paris, 2014


At 650 — 1 Comment

  1. I would say the moon looks nicely eerie, maybe spooky, kind of Halloweenish.

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