Graffiti with Ambition

At the beginning of the path along the Steinlach where we saw the heron is a rather tall hedge; it’s so high that I can’t see over it at all, and Chris can only see over it with difficulty. The other day, though, Chris happened to glance over the hedge as we walked by, and he noticed that there is a small chapel-shaped building behind the hedge, with some interesting graffiti painted on the side.

mystery building with mystery painting, tuebingenmystery painting on mystery building, tuebingenI call it “Graffitti with Ambition”.  I mean,  the kitschy figures are “dreaming” a scene that alludes to Michelangelo’s classic Sistine Chapel work. Clearly, the artist has aspirations of something other than the side of a hidden building in Tübingen.

What’s extremely curious about the building is that it looks deserted, although the outside is well-maintained, so it’s not been completely abandoned. There’s no sign of any kind on the building to indicate its current or former function, although to me the shape really looks like it once was a church. There is no obvious entrance, and so it doesn’t seem to be open to the public.

While I was tempted to use this for a “Monday Mystery” post, I decided it wasn’t in keeping with my original concept of the Monday Mysteries. I mean, I have intended to provide solutions to mysteries in those posts. But here there is no sign to indicate either who owns the building or who painted the artwork. So, lacking any kind of starting point to track down how and why this painting came to be on the side of this building, I’m forced to mark the mystery of the graffiti artist with ambition as “unsolved.” At least for now.


Graffiti with Ambition — 4 Comments

  1. Perhaps the adjacent building occupants could provide a clue?

  2. Perhaps, Mom, but the big building you can see behind the one with the painting is a government building that houses tax bureau. I’m not sure I really want to randomly ask them questions about the painting. I think I’ll ask around town first… 😉

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