As I was waiting for someone today, I had a few minutes and took a look at one of the photo apps I have on my cell phone. I’d never realized it had the capability to be a rather recent digital darkroom that goes a little beyond all the cutesy digital effects that the cell phone camera apps come with.
So, in the gallery below you’ll find a couple of photos I took of water in a fountain in Tübingen; I’ve included the original, then the version I made in my tiny digital darkroom, and then the version I made later in my usual full-size digital darkroom (on my computer). I spent only a few minutes on each photo in each darkroom. I’m not sure I’m ready to give up the regular digital camera and computer for the cellphone camera and app, but it is amazing to realize how many features there can be to play with in a tiny digital darkroom.
Anyway, see what you think:
- Photo #1 – original
- Photo #1 – tiny darkroom
- Photo #1 – computer darkroom
- Photo #2 – original
- Photo #2 – tiny darkroom
- Photo #2 – computer darkroom
When I think of your grandfather working in his “darkroom” it’s hard to believe what can be done today and how easy it is. He predicted the computer would bring many changes in our lives, but not sure if he envisioned these.
I’m hard pressed to pick one darkroom over the other. Interesting photo as usual.