Impressions of a pond

While walking around Tübingen over the weekend, Chris and I walked by a pond on the edge of the University sports field area. The pond was surrounded by a chain-link fence; while there was a bench next to the pond, there was no clear way to reach it.  It wasn’t that inviting a spot to rest in anyway, as a sprinkler constantly moved back and forth spraying the top of the water. Maybe it has something to do with water for the sport fields nearby? My initial impression was that this was an odd water thing to see around here, given all the water from the rivers and other man-made ponds that are clearly designed to be enjoyed.

But, I snapped a few photos anyway. It was water after all, even if there were no clear reflections. My impression of the scene at the time was that with all the overgrown plants around the edge of the pond and the chain-link fence close behind them, everything seemed slightly chaotic.

However, after playing around today with a couple of photos in my “digital darkroom”, I came up with the impressions of the pond in the gallery below. See what you think.

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