A special guest appearance

My fascination (obsession?) with all things Eurovision began back in Bolzano. My friend TA — who was one of Chris’ colleagues at that time — grew up in Austria and is a huge fan of Eurovision. Since I knew nothing about the song contest back then, TA allowed me to interview her to find out all about the ins and outs of the competition, from historical happenings to that year’s contest. I wrote my definitive guide about Eurovision on my old 22bz blog in 2011 thanks to TA and that interview; I have drawn on that information ever since.

TA, who is currently living in Vienna, actually travelled to Copenhagen this year to take in some of the competition. As she headed back to Austria on Sunday, guess who she bumped into at the airport:

TA, JA, and Conchita at the airport

TA, JA, and Conchita at the airport

Yup, that’s Conchita Wurtz, the Eurovision 2014 winner, with my friend, TA and her daughter, JA. Conchita and TA were both headed back to Austria on the same flight, as it turned out. TA reports that Conchita was friendly, nice and gracious, everything you want in the reigning Eurovision title holder.

Anyway, thanks, TA, for sending me the photo, for letting me use it today on the blog, and also for continually sharing your knowledge of all things Eurovision! Also, thanks for saying in your email that I should feel free to re-touch the photo if I wanted to… I mean, the airport lounge is OK as a background, but for Eurovision, we need something a little more colorful. 🙂


TA, JA, and Conchita

TA, JA, and Conchita



A special guest appearance — 2 Comments

  1. How sweet and the background sure looks like it belongs on the show. Neato:)

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