Sunset in Hamburg

The weather in Hamburg only partially cooperated during my recent trip there.  On the one hand, it never rained – always a plus for a tourist wandering around. On the other hand, it was never really completely sunny, that momentary sunny patch that day at the harbor aside.

At the end of a day that had been rather grayish, I headed to the above-ground S-Bahn station to start my trek back to the hotel. As I waited on the platform, I glanced down the tracks and saw that the setting sun had unexpectedly come out just enough behind the clouds to add some spectacular color to the sky. My train was just about due to come, but I quickly whipped out my camera to try to get a photo. If you look carefully, you’ll see a train approaching on the tracks – that was my train, which means I had time for only two quick shots before I had to get on the train. Below is the best of the two. See what you think. 😉

Sunset, Hamburg, November 2013

Sunset, Hamburg, November 2013




Sunset in Hamburg — 2 Comments

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