Hallo from Hamburg!

Chris and I spent much of today on the train — well, on 2 trains, actually — traveling from Tübingen to Hamburg in the northern part of Germany. Chris has been invited to give a talk at a workshop here in Hamburg, and I’ve tagged along to see the sights. It took about 8 hours to complete the journey. I’d like to note that going to Hamburg from Tübingen is a longer trip than going to Paris from Tübingen; the latter trip takes less than 5 hours. I don’t know why, but it always strikes me as odd that one can go from where we live in Germany to somewhere in France in less time than it takes to get to somewhere else in Germany.

But I digress.

Since we have an Internet connection in the hotel here in Hamburg, I’m hoping to post as usual each day. So, I’m not going to say there will be a hiatus on the blog during the trip. I’ll reserve the right to change my mind at a later point, of course. 😉 But, I’m hoping that I can post a few things from Hamburg while we’re there, since my track record for posting anything about Hamburg to date is quite bad. Non-existent, actually, even though Chris and I have been to Hamburg once before, back in 2009. I just looked back at the old blog to see what I’d posted about Hamburg before and … it turns out I hadn’t posted anything at all. One of those trips that happened at the wrong time, when we traveled again a few weeks later, and I guess writing up the other trip got all my attention on the blog at that point.

Ah well, we’ll see what Hamburg has to offer this time around, and if it rates at least a mention on the blog. 🙂

Stay tuned.


Hallo from Hamburg! — 1 Comment

  1. So is it colder in Hamburg than Tubigen? Is more fish and veggies offered in the restaurants?

    Have a good time exploring and tasting new foodstuffs, all being done to satisfy your reader’s curiosities, of course.

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