Waiting at a Tübingen bus stop

Well, to be completely accurate, the title of this post should be Spotted while waiting at a bus stop in Tübingen. But at least the photo today shows that I don’t always see faces in inanimate things — sometimes I see whole figures in inanimate things.

In any case, there I was, waiting at a bus stop in Tübingen last month, and I glanced over, and was taken aback to spot a figure with its head up a pipe.

You can judge for yourself if you agree with me about that when you see  the photo below. Do you see a little alien in a red space suit sitting there on the wall with a metal helmet on his head? Well, I do. It’s a figure that reminds me of Bug Bunny’s nemesis Marvin the Martian. Perhaps it’s Marvin’s more laid-back cousin, since this little wall alien is sitting so quietly and not trying to destroy the world or anything,  like Marvin was always want to do.

See what you think.

"Alien Figure"

“Alien Figure”

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