Not quite unexpected

So after taking the photo that was in yesterday’s post, I looked to my left and noticed a nice photo op of some folks in a Stocherkahn, the punting boats that are popular here in Tübingen. 

As a photo, I’d say it falls into the category of decent “documentary” photo of the local tourist scene in Tübingen. It’s a good photo of the boat with some strong lines provided by the buildings and the trees in the reflection that are set off by the position of the punting pole the pilot is holding.

Nice, but it’s rather what you’d expect from a photo of a Stocherkahn on the Neckar River.  I mean, I can probably take a photo more or less like this on any sunny day around here:

The Expected Boatman

The Expected Boatman

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

After all, you can’t always expect the unexpected to show up on cue. And a photo op like my Unexpected Boatman may come along just once in a lifetime.

Well, hopefully it comes along more often than that, actually. But the song that was running through my head as I wrote this post was the song Once in a Lifetime. It’s a song that, as far as I know, is an American jazz standard that is not from a Broadway musical.

I bet you didn’t expect that. 😉

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