Here and there
Here and there … that’s going to describe where Chris and I are going to be the rest of this month. We’re travelling a bit in Germany – Chris is an invited speaker at a conference, then after a break … Continue reading
Here and there … that’s going to describe where Chris and I are going to be the rest of this month. We’re travelling a bit in Germany – Chris is an invited speaker at a conference, then after a break … Continue reading
I once talked on the blog about what happens when a pretzel is not a pretzel. You can read about that in my old post here. Today, though, I want to talk about when a pretzel is a pretzel.
This gallery contains 3 photos.
I was tempted to call this post “Odds and Ends”, but I didn’t really have any “ends” to offer; what follows are just a few “odds”. Namely,
This gallery contains 8 photos.
When putting together my lecture about famous photographers, I used self-portraits that each photographer had made as a way of showing who they were in my presentation slides.