Hair of a different color

A while back the owner of the hair salon where I get my hair cut encouraged me to color my hair. The encounter was more like an intervention:

Her: You really must color your hair.

Me: Thank you but I’m happy with my hair color the way it is.

Her: But you have to realize, you’re getting gray hair, you must color it.

Me: Thank you, but no. Been there, done that (in the past). And while I have some gray hair now, I call prefer to call it silver, thank you very much. And it’s actually two-toned, with both brownish and silver/gray. Hah.

OK, well, I didn’t actually say all of that last remark, but I thought it.  And I did decline to color my hair.

However, it turns out I was wrong – I don’t have just two colors in my hair now, I have many shades of those colors. The son of a friend of ours was using my iPad to make some crazy photos (a program to do that comes on the iPad). His favorite of the many photos he made that day was this abstract:

The Colors of Frau McIntyre's Hair, January 25, 2013

The Colors of Frau McIntyre’s Hair, January 25, 2013

Too funny. But,  see, it’s proof that I really don’t have just gray hair or even just “two-toned” hair, I actually have many-toned hair other than gray. I don’t think I need to add any more colors to that, do you? 😉


Hair of a different color — 3 Comments

  1. I think your story his hilarious and I am glad you stuck to your guns. The picture of your hair is so unique I made a copy of it for my scrapbook!

  2. Thanks for the comments!
    Kathy, now that you point that out, I do agree it looks a little pinkish, but I think that was the white parts picking up ambient reflections from the decorations in the cafe where the photos were taken.
    Stan, thanks for preserving my hair photo for posterity. 😉

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