Snow scene in Tübingen

Today we have the rest of the photos I took of the park in the snow last Thursday.  As I mentioned in last week’s post, Thursday’s snow was odd – 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off, so you’ll see some blue skies in the background of some of the photos. They were all taken within the space of less than an hour, as the weather shifted rapidly back and forth between snow.

The winter weather has calmed down a little now – it can snow steadily for an hour before briefly clearing for sun. Still odd, IMHO, but typical Tübingen weather, or so people tell me.

Anyway, hope you enjoy this peek at the park under a light dusting of snow:


Snow scene in Tübingen — 1 Comment

  1. I would call this photographic essay “Serenity in Snow,” and judie and I both liked the bridge picture the best. The one I liked second best was the first one with snowflakes on a budding bush. I like the way you can see the flakes piled on one another. Nice collection!

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