Suddenly, there it was: a vibrant rainbow that appeared above the rooftops across the street from our apartment, following a brief but forceful rain shower last Thursday.
The rainbow was a vividly colored arc that stretched out indefinitely across the sky – it actually stretched further across and down than I could see by just looking out our windows. I quickly grabbed my camera and snapped a few shots, unconvinced that it would still be there if I tried to make it to the street level to seek out a different vantage point.
Chris saw it, too, and he also thought it was a giant, single arc of a rainbow. That’s what it appeared to be to the naked eye.
But, applying the magic of the digital darkroom later to the photos I’d snapped — i.e., in tweaking the contrast of the photos on the computer — I discovered the secret of the rainbow that had been hidden from our eyes. You can see the secret in the images below: a “hidden” double rainbow. You can see traces of a second arc in all of the images below.
BTW, note that while the photo with the birds has had the colors darkened slightly to enhance the second rainbow, I did not tweak the colors on the other photos.
- June 7th Rainbow: Photo #1
- June 7th Rainbow: Photo #2
- June 7th Rainbow: Photo #3
- June 7th Rainbow: Photo #4
- June 7th Rainbow: Photo #5
I like them all for various reasons. I’m hard pressed to pick a favorite as I love rainbows. These days I rarely see one so seeing all your pics was a real treat.
Wish you here with your camera today, a hen turkey strolled by with at least six little ones. I can’t swear they were all hers, nor can I say there were only six since we didn’t notice them till they were leaving our patio.
ah how sweet to see the babies.
Roy G. Biv. Perfect arc of the rainbow. All are interesting. Have you tried different lenses in Photoshop if they have them or the camera?.
Even though, the second rainbow was nifty, I liked the vibrant colors of the main rainbow the best. No time to look for the pot of gold?
Thanks for the comments! @Mom, I don’t remember seeing rainbows as frequently as we’ve seen them here in Tübingen; if I saw one every decade I thought that was good before. @Kathy, I haven’t tried any of the color Filters in Photoshop with these photos – I do use the contrast/lightening filters that I have separately, but haven’t played with the color filters yet. @Stan, I agree the main rainbow was more vibrant than the second arc, particularly since neither Chris nor I even noticed the 2nd arc when we saw the rainbow appear. Unfortunately, no time to look for that pot of gold – but may we’ll get lucky with the next one. 🙂