A glimpse of a tree

Consider the following photo:

Glimpse of a Tree - B&W

Glimpse of a Tree – B&W

Glimpse of a Tree - Darker

Glimpse of a Tree – Darker

Glimpse of a Tree - Color

Glimpse of a Tree – Color

Did you figure out right away that it’s another one of those reflections in a puddle, like yesterday’s photo? Or did it initially mislead you, like it did me when  I first looked at on the computer. To me, at first glance it looked more like glimpsing a tree through a fogged-up window pane, rather than seeing a reflection in a puddle on the edge of the sidewalk.  I played with the B&W and Darker versions to try enhancing that illusion a little. See what you think.

Yes, I know, you probably guessed what was going on since you’re on to my tricks now, right? 😉 What can I say, I am finding an upside to all these little rain storms is the number of puddles I run across while walking around Tübingen. And they all seem to provide so many nice reflection photo ops.

BTW, one of these days I made just fool you and really take a photo through a fogged-up window pane. So, never assume. 😉


A glimpse of a tree — 4 Comments

  1. The second one with the good contrast is my favorite the pattern of the puddle with the branches looks like a woman jogger, being accosted by a goose.

  2. Thanks for the comments. I’m not sure I see the jogger, Kathy, but I do sometimes get a quick impression of a peacock with plummage from the second one.

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