April does what it wants

The title of the post is my translation of the saying in German,  April macht, was er will. It’s referring to the weather here in April, which can be variable, to say the least. 

Yesterday, in the space of less than an hour, the weather changed rapidly every 10 minutes or so:

  1. First sunny blue skies with puffy white clouds
  2. Then suddenly dark clouds moved in
  3. Then rain showers started
  4. Then sunny blue skies made a brief appearance
  5. Then skies darkened and rain showers started
  6. Then it started pouring
  7. Then it started hailing
  8. And no more than 10 minutes later the sunny blue skies with puffy white clouds were back

That same pattern continued until the end of the day, other than the hail, which I can’t swear ever made a repeat appearance after the first time.

April macht, was er will, indeed

Unfortunately,  I have no photos that truly capture the weather patterns from yesterday, as we were out and about during the hour described above, and I was too busy trying to keep dry to try to photograph the hail and the pouring rain. On Saturday,  the weather was a mix of just the showers and the sunny blue skies with puffy clouds steps in the list above, but I do have a photo from Saturday to share:

April Skies, Tübingen 2012

April Skies, Tübingen 2012

Of course, the photo has been slightly adjusted with a filter applied to enhance the light/dark contrasts in the sky; the sky was not quite that dark during the day, but I think you get a nice sense of the variability of the sky and the often and sudden drastic changes in the weather.

BTW, did I mention that the photo is a reflection of the sky in a small stream, not a direct photo of the sky? And that it’s turned upside-down?

But you probably guessed that. I’m sure you know by now that, like April weather, the photographer also does what she wants, too. 😉


April does what it wants — 5 Comments

  1. this was a wonderful post. a great picture and I have a one up to say.

    Syracuse, like I have said, her weather changes every 5 minutes. The forecast is snow, and it has done so in the upper hills around her. by 9 am the temperature was 35, wind chill 33 so there was rain. On the gray scale from 1 being black to 10 being white we will hand in the upper 7 range. Tonight we might get snow.

    I have the latest version of Adobe creative suit 5.5 and am trying to use it. It is daunting, but there are a lot of youtube instruction videos and friends our there to help.

    I thought by now I should just paint a series of beautiful flowers, like Georga OKeefe, or self portraits like Frieda, nope I am looking to do some public art. Earth drawings on a large scale.

  2. April is more like winter these past two days. A northeaster blew past leaving some winds and very chilly air and grey skies behind.

    We haven’t had winter but it sure feels like we got it these past two days.

    Lots of snow west of us besides. We needed rain and got about 2 inches so far.

  3. The picture is like an illustration from a well-loved children’s book!

  4. Thanks for the comments! We have not yet had snow in April … but April isn’t over yet. Stuart, are you thinking of a partiuclar children’s book? Or just that it looks like a fairy tale setting?

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