Sneak preview of Tarragona

I’m going to end the week with another photo made by Chris. It’s also from the trip to Spain, but it’s from a day trip we made to a nearby town, Tarragona, which was the capital city of the area back in Roman times.

And, like most Roman capital cities, there was a Roman amphitheatre there. Chris made the panorama below from his photos of that amphitheatre. Note that after the Roman period, the locals then built two different churches inside the amphitheatre, the remnants of which you can see on the right inside the arena.

Look for more information about the town and why we went there next week. In the meantime, hope you enjoy this quick peek at Roman Tarragona.

Roman Amphitheatre ruins, Tarragona

Roman Amphitheatre ruins, Tarragona


Sneak preview of Tarragona — 1 Comment

  1. That is a great picture to get everything in and the stitching does a “seamless” job as they say. It still bothers me that they built not one but two churches in that place but I suppose that at the time they did it, they didn’t have a practical use for the ampitheatre even though it was majestic.

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