Ah, to be in Tübingen …

… now that Spring is here.*

After all, it’s clear sign that Spring has arrived when they turn the water on in the fountains:

Fountain, University of Tübingen, April 2012 - photo 1

Fountain, University of Tübingen, April 2012 - photo 1

Fountain, University of Tübingen, April 2012 - photo 2

Fountain, University of Tübingen, April 2012 - photo 2

*P.S. my title is a play on the opening line of Robert Browning’s poem Home Thoughts, from Abroad. The real first couplet, though, actually doesn’t have the word Spring in it the way I always thought it did.

Oh to be in England
Now that April’s there,
(… read more

You learn something new everyday when you write a blog, that’s for sure. Who would have thought, though, that writing a blog post that includes photos of fountains that sit in front of a university building in Germany would lead to learning more about the work of an 19th century English poet. Sometimes, I don’t know when I start out to write a post where it might wind up.


Ah, to be in Tübingen … — 5 Comments

  1. BEautiful pictures of the water and the fountain and the spectacular vista far beyond.
    Oh to be in Syracuse, our temperature is kind sometimes, one day it is 90 and the snow may fall during twilight time, no matter what the weather May, in five minutes the thermometer will display some change, its seasonal you say, but nigh t’is every day.

    Kathy’s quick verse in response to Robert Browning.

  2. Tis lovely wherever when the flowers bloom, the birds sing and the gentlebreeze is scented with the fragrance of spring flowers.

    My own version of spring.

    Love the pics of the fountain.

  3. Glorious is the word that comes to mind!! Cannot wait to see all this in person.

  4. Thanks, everybody, for both the feedback on the photos and the original poetry. 😉

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