The Barcelona Cathedral

The Barcelona Cathedral in today’s photos is not officially called “the real Barcelona Cathedral”. 

The Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia (Catalan: Catedral de la Santa Creu i Santa Eulàlia, Spanish: Catedral de la Santa Cruz y Santa Eulalia), also known as Barcelona Cathedral, is the Gothic cathedral and seat of the Archbishop of Barcelona, Spain.” (from the Wikipedia Entry)

But while we were in Barcelona, I kept calling it the “real” Cathedral, to distinguish it from another, more modern one, that I’ll post about on another day. Today’s Barcelona Cathedral was the one we walked by almost every day, as it wasn’t too far from the hotel; it’s right in the center of the old part of town in Barcelona.

Getting a good photo of Cathedral wasn’t easy, since I wasn’t willing to get up early enough to get there before all the tourists were out and about in the morning light, nor had I been willing to bring a tripod on the trip in order to take a proper evening shot.

On the other hand, it provided an interesting challenge. Could I get an good shot during the day despite the tourists? Could I experiment with settings on my camera to get an fun, if unconventional, evening shot of it? Could I post-process a shot that was pleasing?

My results are below. See what you think. I may need another trip to Barcelona to photograph this Cathedral again … maybe with a tripod, as the odds are distinctly slim to none that I’d ever up getting up early enough to try that early morning shot…. 😉


The Barcelona Cathedral — 3 Comments

  1. You are right. The tourists spoil the cathedral picture. The ghostly cathedral picture was interesting and the night picture #3 with the detail filter was very good–if you touched up the spire with a tad more light, it would be excellent. All in all, the daytime detail of the angel, the bell and the steeple was lovely to behold.

  2. i think that there are several great postcard shots and a couple of really cool shots with and the night shot witht he dark blue sky is ok all are interesting to me.

  3. @Stan – Thanks! That’s a good point, I think the spire is still a little dark, isn’t it (I had lightened in a bit yesterday).
    @Kathy, thanks! Is the one with the dark blue sky the “detail” one (on my screen it’s just barely dark blue, while I think the other variations of that last shot all do look dark).

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