Rushing Reutlingen Water

Back in Bolzano, relatively near our apartment there were dams and other things that created various spots where you could see lots of rushing water. Here in Tübingen, I don’t see that very much – the Neckar, at least near the old city center or Tübingen, is pretty calm.

But a couple of weeks ago we were in the nearby town of Reutlingen. A river (stream?) we walked by had a spot where there some nice rushing water to see. And to photograph. So, today, just for fun, I offer you variations on a single photo of rushing water in Reutlingen.


Rushing Reutlingen Water — 5 Comments

  1. I liked number 3 and 6, which seemed pretty much alike to me, because it was a pretty picture of a little waterfall. However, I really liked number five because it showed turbulence. As Stuart says, it looks like an ocean wave.

  2. Interesting, did you use the camera to make all these different variations on a theme. Opus 1 is very nice but then each one is unique and very good. The folks I see give waters like this a bit of a time exposure to give it a milky ghostly look. like mist rising from the water.

  3. oh upside down it makes a neat profile. It is interesting to note that it goes with my new art work I posted on your FB acct. Tell me what you think.

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